

我只是個含苞玉墜的花蕾              I am but a delicate rose bud

在風雨中奮力挺直腰桿                Standing up high against the rain

在艷陽下綻放燦爛微笑                Smiling vibrantly in the burning sun


感謝大地的養育                      Be grateful to the nurturing land

感謝露水的滋養                      Be grateful to the nourishing land

感謝陽光的照耀                      Be grateful to the shining sun


親愛的                              My beloved

欣賞大地的瞬息萬變                  Pay attention to the ever changing world

傾聽生命的殷勤呼喚                  Give an ear to the calling of life


是光陰使我們成長                    As time makes us grow

在原本單調平凡的世界                In this ordinary world

為我撒上熱情又溫暖的豔紅            I put on my most vibrant shade of red




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