Growing up, it was a running joke in my family that my grandfather sometimes seemed to be in a world of his own. For instance, he would typically walk 10 paces behind my family because he would make frequent stops to look at… well anything. Or, when visiting a sight such as a garden or landmark, my grandfather would always be the last to leave, spending extra time taking in the sight. I can actually recall times (and I use the plural form of the word because this happened on more than one occasion) where my family had to search for my grandfather because he had lingered so far behind us that we lost each other. Because of my grandfather’s penchant for taking his time, we lovingly used to refer to him as a “putzer,” which means a person who wastes time. He never minded the family’s jeers, though, and true to his sense of humor, he would laugh at our jokes.
As a young child, I attributed my grandfather’s slowness to old age. As I grew older, I came to conclude that my grandfather had simply mastered the enjoyment of life and that his secret was to take everything slow. Recently, though, I have come to realize that these were incorrect, or at least incomplete analyses. Upon my grandfather’s passing, I read several of his poems that had been translated into English. And, it struck me how such simple words could create immensely complex mental images. It was then that I realized that my grandfather was not only a master of writing, but that he was also a master of observation. Looking back, whenever my
grandfather lingered behind the family, he wore the same facial expression. His demeanor was studious – almost like he was studying a book. But, unlike someone studying for an exam, there was a strange sense of clam and pure enjoyment. I now realize the reasoning for my grandfather’s incessantly slow pace. He was studying his surroundings.
It’s unfortunate that I have only now come to appreciate this after my grandfather’s passing, but late is better than never. In today’s hectic world that is filled with appointments, emails, cell phones, and obligations, I think that we can all learn something from my grandfather’s actions. We all have something to gain by taking the time to truly appreciate our surroundings. The world really is an interesting place, and its contents can inspire if we simply take the time to look. My grandfather recognized this, and by mastering the art of observation, he was able to publish words that have inspired generations of writers and poets across the world.
So, the joke is actually on me and my family. My grandfather was never a “putzer” or someone who simply lingered behind. Instead, he mastering a talent few of us have: the true ability to observe. Because he took the time to appreciate what this world has to offer–both good and bad–his name will always carry on through his words.
Benjamin Keller (grandson in Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A.)
* 感謝中央研究院歐美研究所紀元文教授給予此譯文諸多指導與修正,特此致謝。