A damsel
with a dulcimer 一位少女伴著蝴蝶琴
In a vision once I saw: 我曾於異象中目睹:
It was an Abyssinian
maid, 那是一位阿比西尼亞處女,
And on her dulcimer she played, 她彈奏蝴蝶琴
Singing of Mount Abora. 歎詠阿波拉山。
Could I revive within me 設若我能于內心重現
Her symphony and song, 她的和諧樂音與歌聲,
To such a deep delight 'twould win
me, 通透魂竅深處之愉悅讓我心醉神馳,
That with music loud and long, 憑藉宏亮悠揚之音樂,
I would build that dome in air,
That sunny dome! those caves of ice! 陽光燦爛之圓穹!冰雪晶瑩之窟窖!
And all who heard should see them there,
And all should cry, Beware! Beware! 所有的人皆呼叫,當心!當心!
His flashing eyes, his floating hair!
a circle round him thrice, 編串成圈繞身三匝,
And close your eyes with holy dread, 以神聖的怖懼之情闔上你的雙眼,
For he on honey-dew hath fed, 因為他餔食蜂蜜之露,
And drunk the milk of Paradise. 啜飲天堂之奶。
撒繆耳˙泰勒˙柯律治 (Samuel Taylor Coleridge,1772-1834) 係十九世紀英國詩人,年輕時曾就讀劍橋大學耶穌學院(Jesus College, 1791-1794),然因故輟學從軍,加入皇家騎兵隊,後因精神憂鬱而解甲歸田。柯律治與好友華茲華斯(William Wordsworth,1770-1850)同為英國浪漫主義運動形塑時期重要詩人,彼等所倡導、奠基之浪漫主義思想,影響整個世紀之英國詩壇。其重要詩作有《古舟子詠》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, 1797)《忽必烈汗》 (Kubla Khan, 1816)等,其批評作品《文學傳記》( Biographia Literaria, 1817)對於想像力在文學創作之功能多所發揮。《忽必烈汗》據傳乃係詩人於藥物的影響下,神思恍惚之際所寫,縱橫古今,絕地異域,舖陳浪漫主義諸元素,忽而敲門聲響,詩人靈思驟止,遂成斷弦絕響,此為文學史上著名之殘簡美學。