菲立普˙西尼爵士 (1554-1586),係英國十六世紀著名詩人,出身貴冑之家,其名字係 依其教父西班牙國王菲立普二世(King Philip II of Spain)之名而命名。西尼曾就讀牛津基督教會學院(Christ Church, Oxford),嗣後因要前往歐陸旅遊而輟學,15 77年擔任伊麗莎白一世女王之朝臣,曾出使日耳曼皇帝朝廷。1586年與其弟參與跟西班牙人之小型衝突,為毛瑟槍彈傷及大腿骨,數週後因創傷未癒而逝,得年三十二歲。出殯之日,倫敦市民齊執紼送別,諡之曰:「永別了,曾經出現過的最高貴的騎士」。其主要作品《世外桃源》(Arcadia, 1580)係田園牧歌傳奇之蒿矢;《詩的辯護》(The Defence of Poesy, 1582? 撰寫;1595出版)力主想像之作品,以其翔實、生動之摹繪,較諸歷史與哲學,更能激發人們向善之心。
My True Love Hath My Heart 我的真愛擁有我的心
Sir Philip Sidney 菲立普˙西尼爵士
true love hath my heart, and I have his, 我的真愛擁有我的心,我擁有他的心,
By just exchange, one for the other given.
I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss, 我珍視他的心,他也不會遺失我的心。
There never was a better bargain driven.
His heart in me keeps me and him in one, 他的心在我裡面使我跟他合而為一,
My heart in him, his thoughts and senses guides; 我的心在他裡面,引導他的思想與感情;
He loves my heart, for once it was his own, 他愛我的心,因其曾是他自己的,
I cherish his, because in me it bides.
His heart his wound received from my sight;
My heart was wounded with his wounded heart; 我的心被他受傷的心所傷;
For as from me on him his hurt did light,
So still methought in me his hurt did
smart. 他的傷在我裡面產生劇痛。
Both equal hurt, in this change sought our bliss, 二者同樣疼痛,在交換中尋覓我倆的福佑,
My true love hath my heart, and I have his.
1590 (?)