

瑪麗‧奧利弗(Mary Oliver1935-),美國現代著名詩人,出生於俄亥俄州,曾就讀俄亥俄州州立大學和瓦薩爾學院,但沒有獲得文憑。她的詩擅於描摹居住地的自然景觀和動植物,從日常細微事物體察生命本質,散發生命的熱度。少女時期,奧利弗受詩人埃德娜聖文森米雷(Edna St. Vincent Millay)的影響,之後,受惠特曼(Walt Withman)和梭羅(Henry David Thoreau)作品的啟發,而奠定她在美國詩壇的地位。一九八四年以詩集美國原始》(American Primitive,1983榮獲普立茲詩獎,其他重要作品有:《光之屋》(House of Light,1990)、《新詩選》(New and Selected Poems,2002)、《葉和雲》(The Leaf and The Cloud,2000)、《為什麼我早起》(Why I Wake Early,2004)、《》(Thirst,2006)、《證據》(Evidence,2009)。目前居住於麻州的普羅文斯敦(Provincetown)。


Lingering in Happiness                徘徊於幸福

After rain after many days without rain,                  數日無雨的雨後時光,
it stays cool, private and cleansed, under the trees,          雨在微涼中停留,私密且純淨,在樹下  
and the dampness there, married now to gravity,            和潮濕處,此刻專注於地心引力,
falls branch to branch, leaf to leaf, down to the ground    從枝椏,葉片間,墜落至地面

where it will disappear---but not, of course, vanish              雨將在那裡消失---當然不是匿跡,
except to our eyes. The roots of the oaks will have their share,   除了凡眼之外。橡樹根擁有其應得的份額,        and the white threads of the grasses, and the cushion of moss; 青草的白色根脈,以及柔軟如褥墊的青苔;

a few drops, round as pearls, will enter the mole’s tunnel;     些許雨滴,圓滿如珍珠,將滾入鼴鼠的洞穴;

and soon so many small stones, buried for a thousand years,   過不久,許多深埋千年的小石頭,                  will feel themselves being touched.                        即將感覺被觸摸。




I go down to the edge of the sea.               我走下海邊。
How everything shines in the morning light!    晨曦中萬物多麼閃亮!
The cusp of the whelk,                          蛾螺的尖尾,
the broken cupboard of the clam,               破碗櫥般的蛤蚌,
the opened, blue mussels,                      打開的藍貽貝,
moon snails, pale pink and barnacle scarred---  月亮蝸牛,蒼白的幼蛙和滿佈傷痕的藤壺----
and nothing at all whole or shut, but tattered, split    沒有什麼是完整或緊閉的,只有破碎和裂痕,
dropped by the gulls onto the gray rocks and all the  被海鷗摔擲於灰岩上,所有的

moisture gone.                                 濕潤已乾涸。
It’s like a schoolhouse                           彷彿一間校舍
of little words,                                   少量的文字,
thousands of words.                             無數的話語。
First you figure out what each one means by itself,    首先你瞭解每一個字義,
the jingle, the periwinkle, the scallop            音韻,玉黍螺,扇貝
  full of moonlight.                                充滿月光。

Then you begin, slowly, to read the whole story.  然後你開始,慢慢地閱讀完整的故事。


                        (簡杏玲譯。2010/1/3初稿,2010/1/11 一修)

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